Optometry Board of Australia - Optometry Board Members
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Optometry Board Members

Photo of Stuart Aamodt

Mr Stuart Aamodt

Chair and health practitioner from Western Australia

  • BOptom(Hons), PGCOT, BEcons

Stuart Aamodt currently works in an independent optometry practice in metropolitan Perth. Prior to this, Stuart worked for Lions Outback Vision in Yawuru country. This is a not-for-profit optometry clinic. He provided outreach and optometric services for the local communities in and around the Kimberley. His role involved working closely with the local ophthalmology team, providing pre-clinical work ups, post op care and triaging urgent cases when the ophthalmology team were on outreach.

Stuart was also employed by the University of Western Australia Optometry School to co-ordinate and oversee the final year student placements in Broome. His other previous work has involved franchise ownership, independent practice and locum work.

Stuart holds an economics degree and previously worked as a credit analyst for a bank.

Stuart’s Board experience includes a previous role on the Optometry Association Board (Victoria Division).

Photo of Sharon Bentley

Professor Sharon Bentley

Health practitioner from Queensland

  • BScOptom MOptom PhD GradDipSpecEd MPH CertOcTher FACO FAAO(DipLV)

Professor Sharon Bentley is a therapeutically endorsed optometrist who has worked in academia, public health and private practice. Sharon is currently Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Health and Professor of Optometry at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She was previously Head of the School of Optometry and Vision Science, QUT and prior to that, Director of Clinical Services at the Australian College of Optometry. She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to undertake research in the UK and USA toward improving services for people with vision impairment. Sharon has provided advice and completed evaluations for government. She has chaired committees and working groups for Optometry Australia and Vision 2020 Australia. Sharon is a Fellow and Diplomate (Low Vision) of the American Academy of Optometry and experienced Board Director.

Ms Ingrid Diep, Health practitioner from Northern Territory

Ms Ingrid Diep

Health practitioner from Northern Territory

Ingrid graduated with a Bachelor of Optometry from the University of Melbourne in 2013. She started her career as an optometrist in Tasmania and since then has also worked in the ACT and the NT.

She holds a Masters of Public Health from Washington University in St Louis and was previously a data analyst with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Currently, she works at an Australian management consulting firm in health and evaluation.

Photo of Benjamin Graham

Mr Benjamin Graham

Community member

Benjamin has worked for several peak bodies and professional associations in healthcare, agriculture and migration since 2007. Much of his experience working in these organisations has focused on communication, marketing, membership, media and business development work.

Benjamin has also served as an Interim CEO, General Manager and Executive Director during his time working in the associations sector. Benjamin has been a Director on several not-for-profit boards including serving as Chair, Company Secretary and Chair of Corporate Governance sub-committees.

Currently Benjamin is extending his skillset working for the Australian Government in communication and administrative roles.

Dr Amanda Mead

Dr Amanda Mead

Community member from New South Wales

  • PhD, FAICD

Amanda is a strategist and governance specialist working in health regulation, capacity building and organisational transformation.

Amanda’s commercial background includes 25 years’ experience in strategic marketing, stakeholder engagement, organisational transformation, communications, and product and service innovation. Her governance background includes seven years’ committee and board experience as a community member in health regulation, and over 20 years’ volunteer governance and risk experience in community organisations.

Amanda is Chair of the Centre for Disability Studies, an Affiliate of the University of Sydney, which contributes to knowledge and practice, policy and capacity in the intellectual disability sector. She is also Chair of the Professional Development Centre, a Registered Training Organisation. She is a member of the New South Wales Board of the Medical Board of Australia and of the New South Wales Medical Council.

Photo of Renee Slunjski

Miss Renee Slunjski

Health practitioner from South Australia


  • BMedSc(VisSc), MOptom, CertOcTher
  • MBA

Renee Slunjski is a therapeutically endorsed optometrist from South Australia. She has experience in general, independent optometry practice in Adelaide, as well as having worked with remote Indigenous communities in the APY Lands and Pt Augusta. She also brings industry experience from working in Ophthalmic MedTech, and as a consultant for a digital healthcare firm.

Renee also has a Masters of Business Administration. Combined with her unique background and commitment to quality eye care, Renee is committed to ensuring safe and equitable care for all Australians.

Terence Wong, Optometry Board member from New South Wales

Mr Terence Wong

Health practitioner from New South Wales

  • BVisSci, MOptom, JD, GDLP

Terence Wong is a therapeutically endorsed optometrist based in New South Wales. After completing his optometric training at Queensland University of Technology in 2016, he commenced his career in private practice in country Queensland. Over the years, he has gained industry experience working in both corporate and independent clinics.

In 2022, Terence completed his legal training at Macquarie University. Following his admission to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, he began practising as a litigation lawyer at a global law firm. Despite his various commitments, he remains active in clinical practice and has stayed abreast with the latest advancements in optometry.

Terence aims to combine his diverse background and technical acumen to offer a holistic perspective within the National Scheme. His overarching goal is to serve the public and to improve social well-being at large.

Page reviewed 18/01/2013